BCAF Pub Night/Movie Night

Are you missing heading out to the pub/coffee shop/sushi bar after Aikido class? Join the BCAF via Zoom on the last Friday of each month (7 pm PST) for an informal get-together to talk about all things Aikido. While we can’t pour your drinks for you, we are happy to reminisce about the “old days” when we could actually practice with each other, to catch up with the latest things happening in our lives, or to share ideas on how together we can shape the future of Aikido here in BC.
This month's pub night is going to be a home theatre night, hosted by Ishu Ishiyama, 7th Dan. Sensei will be showing selected video clips of Aikido masters in their ripe old age.
Friday, April 30th, at 7 pm.
contact Barb, president@bcaikidofederation.ca if you're interested in coming to our virtual pub night.