Update from the Ministry of Health, January 19th, 2022

The newest orders from the PHO of BC allow a limited return to fitness and exercise.

Here is the excerpt from the update, https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/covid-19/info/restrictions#pho-order

Exercise and fitness

Adult indoor individual, group fitness or exercise activities and adult dance classes and activities are allowed with increased safety protocols and capacity limits, including:

  • Capacity based on 7 square metres of floor space per person for both individual and group fitness and exercise classes
    • In addition to floor space, all group fitness and exercise classes have a capacity limit of 25 people
  • Masks worn at all times, except when actively exercising. We strongly encourage people wear a mask even when exercising
  • Pre-bookings for drop-in individual fitness where operationally possible
  • Scanning proof of vaccination QR codes for entry

Programs specifically for children and youth are allowed. 

Fitness and exercise facilities must follow Indoor Exercise, Fitness, and Dance Class Facility COVID-19 Guidance – January 19, 2022 (PDF, 383KB) [The document states that martial arts are not covered by this order, however it has useful information to assist dojo chos in determining what type of practice is safe at this time.]

As we noted in our 2020 Guidelines to Returning to Aikido practice in BC, the BCAF is not an authoritative body.  We provide this information to assist dojo chos in making their decisions about what constitutes safe practice in their dojo.